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Face | Body | Bath | Lips | Hands

Botanical Loveliness

Lovingly small-batch and hand-crafted, using the most natural and earth friendly botanical ingredients to make beautiful products for you.

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Wildflower Seeds

Native Irish Wildflower Seeds to encourage Bees, Butterflies and Birds.

Supplied by True Harvest Seedscontaining 2g.

A soap bar packed full of beautiful, moisturising and skin softening ingredients, to gently cleanse, soften and scent your skin.

Beautiful BathTruffles

Moisturise, soften and delicately scent your skin with natural Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter  and Pure Essential Oils

Hand Creams

Rich hand creams full of just natural goodness to help soothe, soften, nourish and protect your hands against the riggors of every day life. 

Handmade in small batches, we add other plant based ingredients that are eco freindly. 

Nourishing Face Cream

This wonderfully nourishing face and neck cream has been designed with dry, sensitive more mature skin types in mind.


Feeling like you could do with a little soothing?

Something to comfort, take away pain (physical or mental) and lift your spirits.

Balms to help soothe, relax soften and protect.

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